Sunday, April 19, 2009


I don't know what is going on. I have hated grapes for most of my life. I have seriously disliked the texture of grapes. And the way the grape skin felt in my mouth as I chewed them up used to make me gag. But all of the sudden I can't get enough grapes. Black grapes are the best and then the red come in second. I still can't eat green grapes because they are disgusting. But I absolutely love black and red grapes. I wake up in the night thinking about grapes and can't wait until morning when I can have grapes for breakfast. Then I get excited thinking about lunch because I know I can have more grapes. By dinnertime I just eat the grapes first because I can't wait until after dinner. There are so many fruits (and other foods) I can't eat because of my kidney disease. Nothing that has high potassium or phosphates. It's a good thing grapes are not on my "off limits" list because I just can't stand to think of a day without grapes. In fact if I didn't have to eat vegetables, protein (very limited) and whole grains I would just eat grapes for every meal and nothing else. So I'm guessing that in the near future I will be dreaming about grapes, which won't necessarily be a bad thing since the dreams I do have can be very disturbing. And I can't imagine a dream could be too bad with grapes in it. Once again I have proved that there is not much going on in my life when grapes are the most exciting thing I have to write about.


  1. hahah.... last year i went on this like... 8 month kick where I had to have grape juice like... every day. i was seriously addicted.

  2. What if the grapes were chasing you in the dream, wouldn't that be disturbing?

    I love red grapes, but clearly not as much as you. Do you suppose there's some kind of nutritional deficiency spurring this new, insatiable appetite for grapes?

    By the way, excellent talk today. I love hearing about Shaun, he's such a good boy!

  3. If grapes were chasing me that might be disturbing......but it's not like I'm scared of grapes.

    3 months ago I started following a special diet for kidney disease (of course that means no caffeine, carbonation, milk or sugar, just to name a few things) so I think the grapes are just taking the place of processed sugar stuff.

    Shaun is a good kid and I will really be happy to have him home again.

  4. I like grapes just fine but after reading this post I was craving them. Have you ever eaten them frozen--I hear they are divine that way!

    Your talk was awesome!

  5. wow, you are obsessed. I mean grapes come up everyday when we talk, but to read about it on here makes me a little concerned. Just kidding. I'm glad you have grown up and like grapes now. :)

  6. Ericka is right, grapes do come up everyday when I talk to you. Maybe it's time to get some help with this obsession. You talk about grapes, you photograph grapes, you blog about grapes...........

  7. I know I am obsessed with grapes but they only have 3 calories each. Really can you think of a better thing to eat? This is one obsession I don't need help with because I'm not giving it up. It's one of my few healthy obsessions.
