Saturday, April 25, 2009


It's hard to not write about Cierra because she is always saying something funny.

Apparently some of the first graders in her class in Roswell have quite a swearing problem. It got so bad that the principal had to come and talk to her class about it. The principal told the kids that they needed to go home after school that day and all think of a new word they could use instead of swear words. Then she said they were to come back the next day and tell the class what word they had come up with. So when the next day rolled around the principal was in their classroom again and she told the kids that the word she had come up with was fiddle faddle. The first graders all took turns telling what word they would use instead of swear words. Some of the words were: shoot, darn it, holy cow, gosh, and so on. I'm sure you get the idea of the kind of words they came up with. When it was Cierra's turn she proudly announced that the word she thought of was HORSE NUTS. (That had to be a really proud mom moment for Kristin) When Kristin asked her what the principal said about her word Cierra said, "She didn't say anything she just smiled at my teacher." So I'm guessing it might not have been quite the right kind of word they had in mind when giving the assignment.

If anyone has a swearing problem I would suggest you say "horse nuts" now instead. I'm not sure it's much better than a swear word. But the innocence of a 7 year old is just too cute.


  1. That is too funny! It seems that everyone in your family has a funny gene!

  2. That kid is so innocently funny. That makes it even funnier! I wish I could've seen what her teachers said after class.

  3. I am still laughing about this.......only my daughter. Horse nuts has definitely replaced all of my usual swear words.

  4. Happy now? Bujust to show Cierra what a great "swear word replacement" horse nuts is, I use it all the time. No joke. Great blog!!!

  5. I love that girl. She is way too funny! You're kind of a story thief though. You know that?

  6. Thanks for not posting pictures of actual horse nuts. Mary and I thought that was coming next.
